Article in yearbook 2017

Automation Engineering Digitalisation with communication systems


Modern and efficient communication systems build the basis of digitalisation in agriculture. The slogan "Green Future - Smart Technology" [1] at Agritechnica 2017 underlines smart digital solutions to be a continuous development focus of modern agricultural machines.
The market of digital apps and services and farm management systems is growing dynamically. Process optimisation and automation for farmers and contractors are the main focus of development activities. Machine data build the basis of efficient agriculture. Already today, it is noticeable that a lot of innovative products are realized by the help of digitalisation and modern communication systems.

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Recommended form of citation:
Horstmann, Jan: Digitalisation with communication systems. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2017. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2018. – pp. 1-7

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