Article in yearbook 2017

Automation Engineering Logistic


Logistics plays an important role for the agricultural sector. The trend towards higher tractor transport speeds has been broken by the revaluation of commercial aspects in the transport of agricultural contractors. This should also lead to a change in tractor and truck for transport in agriculture. Currently the optimization of the transport processes can be recognized. On the technical side, this is achieved by lightweight construction and multi-functionality of the vehicles. On the organizational side, this can be recognized by data exchange and simulation models. Digitization is also leading to significant changes in agricultural logistics, which extend into marketing.

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data logistic
Recommended form of citation:
Bernhardt, Heinz: Logistic. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2017. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2018. – pp. 1-11

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