Article in yearbook 2016
Agricultural Engineering in Tropic and Transformation Countries
Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries
As a result of the hostilities in the Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea by Russia, Rus-sia and the European Union impose bilateral trade sanctions on agricultural products and food. Russia tries to compensate the consequences of these sanctions by a stimulation of the domestic production. The Ukraine has hardly any possibilities to sell products to Russia due to discrepancies and therefore tries to find new trading partners in the EU. German pro-ducers have to look for new markets as selling food to Russia is prohibited and selling agri-cultural machinery is allowed in a very limited amount, only. China is a potential partner be-cause it needs to modernise its agricultural production but by order of the Chinese govern-ment the required machines and equipment need to be made from Chinese production.
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Recommended form of citation:
Hoffmann, Thomas; Brunsch, Reiner: Agricultural Engineering in Transformation Countries. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2016. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2017. – pp. 1-6
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