Article in yearbook 2021

Tractors Tractor Engines and Transmissions


After the expiry of the transition period 2021, only exhaust stage V engines are allowed in new vehicles in Europe. Fundamentally new constructions were not seen in 2021. However, significantly more variants have been developed particularly for 4-cylinder engines. As sustainable energy sources, methane and hydrogen are currently preferred alternatives (examples).

New continuously variable transmissions are discussed with transmission maps: TTV (Deutz-Fahr), eAutoPowr (J. Deere) and variaDRIVE (Pfanzelt). The electric variator part in the
eAutoPowr can drive electric implements. Battery driven commercial vehicles (and tractors) require additional transmissions, as, e. g., realized by KESSLER for an electric axle drive.

Annotated design fundamentals concern “fast“ synchronous shifting, axial PTO driveshaft friction, drag torques, oils, and new off-highway driving strategies.

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Recommended form of citation:
Geimer, Marcus; Stirnimann, Roger; Renius, Karl Theodor: Tractor Engines and Transmissions. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2021. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2022. – pp. 1-13

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