Article in yearbook 2021

Engineering for Intensive Cropping Incentive systems for the implementation of climate protection measures in horticulture


The climatic changes pose major challenges for Central European horticulture and agriculture. Accordingly, the European agricultural policy intends a sustainable and yet high-yield crop production. For the implementation of climate policy measures, a comparison instrument at producer level is expedient, which shows the origin of the emissions and gives recommendations for action. As part of the PROSIBOR project, simple methods for determining the water and CO2 footprint are to be developed using the example of tomato production under glass, which could make a contribution to a benchmark system. Producers should be able to use the tool to directly classify their resource efficiencies.

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Recommended form of citation:
Wittmann, Sabine; Noltemeyer, Raphael; Mempel, Heike: Incentive systems for the implementation of climate protection measures in horticulture. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2021. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2022. – pp. 1-14

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