Article in yearbook 2014

Plant Protection, Fertilizing and Irrigation Technical options for saving plant protection products in fruit-growing

Savings of pesticides and drift reduction are important social and political goals. Technical progress in the field of application techniques may contribute to the achievement of these objectives. The use of low-drift nozzles, tunnel sprayers, sensors for foliage detection and gap switching systems, as well as new computation models are concepts which have been pursued in recent years and which will be described in this paper.
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Recommended form of citation:
Kämpfer, Christoph; Pelzer, Tanja; Wegener, Jens Karl; von Hörsten, Dieter: Technical options for saving plant protection products in fruit-growing. In: Frerichs, Ludger (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Agrartechnik 2014. Braunschweig: Institut für mobile Maschinen und Nutzfahrzeuge, 2015. – pp. 1-11

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